1. Services Offered:

  • A wide range of physio therapies, including: Orthopaedic, Neurological, Sports, Ergonomics and Recovery.

2. Purpose of Information Collection:

  • Your personal information is collected for assessment, diagnosis, treatment planning, and record-keeping.

3. Consent:

  • We place emphasis on the importance of obtaining consent from clients before collecting, using, or disclosing their personal information.

4. Information Storage and Security:

  • Our website and record-keeping both ensure security and confidentiality of clients' personal information, including secure storage, restricted access, and data encryption.

5. Use of Personal Information:

  • Clients’ personal information will be used for treatment purposes, billing, appointment reminders, and communication regarding physiotherapy services.

6. Disclosure to Third Parties:

  • Clients’ personal information may be disclosed to third parties, such as insurance companies or other healthcare professionals. Such disclosures will be made with their consent or as required by law.

7. Retention Period:

  • Clients’ personal information will be retained. The retention period will equate the length of service provided annually .

8. Access and Correction:

  • Clients reserve the right to access their personal information held by Finesse Motion Therapy.

    To make any changes, please e-mail: finessemotiontherapy@gmail.com

9. Cookies and Website Analytics:

  • Our website use cookies Cookies are small pieces of text sent to your browser by a website you visit. They help that website remember information about your visit, which can both make it easier to visit the site again and make the site more useful to you.

10. Compliance:

  • Finesse Motion Therapy complies with all laws and governance under the Common Wealth of The Bahamas.

11. Changes to the Privacy Policy:

  • Finesse Motion Therapy reserves the right to update or modify the privacy policy and indicate that clients will be notified of any changes.

12. Contact Information:

  • For inquiries, requests, or concerns regarding their personal information please please e-mail: finessemotiontherapy@gmail.com or call +1 (242) 825-2212.